Meet our new Class B Manager at Bottles Columbia:

We are so excited to have Columbia native and self-proclaimed “liquor geek,” Rachel Allen on our team as our new Class B Manager.  She will be handling all of our restaurant and bar accounts as well as keeping us in the loop with anything new and exciting in the liquor world. She comes from years of Food and Bev experience and has a true passion for the industry. We asked Rachel to share with us a little about herself so you all could get to know her too: (Pictured below with the adorable Duke Silver…who normally doesn’t wear clothes.)

I am a Columbia native, born and raised. It took me a few years to realize what a gem this city really is, but when I did, my husband and I made the decision to really dig in here. I come from years of food and beverage service (next year will make half my life I’ve been doing some form of service industry), most recently at The War Mouth in Cottontown. I learned a ton about management, alcohol and myself during that time, and I’m ever grateful to them for bringing me on. My favorite thing about being at Bottles so far – and what I’m most excited about continuing to do! – is geeking out with local bartenders about liquor. I love it, you love it, let’s talk about it. When I’m not working, I’m spending time with my lovely husband and my little menagerie, which consists of two dogs, two goats, and five chickens. You’re never bored when there’s goats around. Other than the War Mouth, my favorite spot for drinks and slamming food is The Whig, known to many as America’s Best Dive Bar. Cheers!